Back to Basics at the Casino

Author: Live Casino Direct
Back to Basics at the Casino
Super Slots

Back to basics at the Casino is a five-point bluffers trivia guide to the casino classics. The fruit symbols on a slot machine originally represented the flavour of the chewing gum you could win on the winning spin.

Roulette is the French word for ‘little wheel’ or “castor”. American Roulette wheels have an extra double zero slot. Roulettes are often referred to as the Devil's Game because the numbers on the wheel add up to 666.

The first slot machine was called the Liberty Bell. Bally made the first electrical slot machines. Slots generate between 65 and 80 per cent of the total revenue in Las Vegas. The largest online slotmachine jackpot to date is £13,209,300, won by Jonathon Heywood playing Mega Moolah.

Poker is a card game that has its origins in Chinese emperors and medieval Persians. French colonists brought poker to America and it spread up the Mississippi River. Video poker was invented in the mid 1970s and became increasingly popular throughout the next decade. Will Bill Hickok was murdered playing poker in a bar. Professional poker player Bryn Kenny has won $55 million.

Poker is a card game that originated in China and Persians. French colonists brought it to America and it spread up the Mississippi River. Video poker was invented in the mid 1970s and became popular throughout the next decade. Will Bill Hickok was murdered playing poker in a bar. Professional poker player Bryn Kenny has won $55 million.

The name Blackjack was used to promote the game of 21 in the US. Kerry Packer played six hands of Black Jack simultaneously and bet up to $200,000 on each hand. The odds of hitting a natural card are $4.83. The Blog has years of experience writing about and working within the online gaming industry. It brings you the latest casino gaming news and insights into what’s happening in casinos.

The name Blackjack was used in a marketing campaign to promote the game of 21 in the US. Casinos offered a 10-1 payout if players hit a 21 with the Ace of Spades and either of the Blackjacks. Kerry Packer played six hands of BlackJack simultaneously and bet up to $200,000 on each hand.