Are NFL Players allowed to Gamble on Football Games?

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Are NFL Players allowed to Gamble on Football Games?
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NFL (National Football League) has strict rules regarding gambling. There is an NFL gambling document published online, so anyone can reassure easily – this organization prohibits almost all types of gambling games for players and members of personnel. The problem is that gambling games seem risky – if a player starts playing them regularly, he might become addicted. As such, he might abandon the sport. There is no place for two addictions in one’s life, right? Still, everything is a bit dubious here and the administration of the NFL has no choice but to make exclusions and redefine some rules. Let’s discuss the details. 

So, are NFL players allowed to gamble?

Generally, players are prohibited to gamble in almost any form. However, as fans may know, not so long ago, Tony Romo took part in a football-related convention in a Las Vegas Casino. After that and a number of similar incidents, the NFL made the rules a bit softer. Now there are some possible gambling activities footballers can take part in.

Of course, players are not allowed to bet on sports, namely – football. It is pretty obvious: there is no need for them to read any sports gambling tips, they know the game from within and have an advantage over ordinary betters. How about casinos? Can they play roulette, poker, or slots? Are they allowed to enter the casino? 

The official NFL document explains: yes, but only in the case the casino is legal. Whether they choose an in-house casino or an online 200% bonus casino, legality is the key. Also, they can bet on dog and horse racing in legal betting offices in their personal time even if the league is on the run. 

Prohibition to participate in specific events 

The exception of gambling rules is that players are not allowed to make any deals on the territory that belongs to casinos. Even if the event is not related to gambling, the casino property is the place where players should avoid being. Car shows, convention on any topic, or any other activity that take part at the territory of a casino are prohibited in all forms. This applies to all gambling organization, be it instant withdrawal casinos or any other. Players know that rule, since they are printed NFL gambling policy at the beginning of every new season. They know about the prohibition perfectly, since all rules and regulations are included in the document. Whether they read this document or not, the responsibility comes up in any case.

The temptation is high

Indeed, footballers are hazardous and devoted. Their psychologies usually have a common trait – they love spending money and are ready to gamble on everything. And, what is more, they do have a lot of cash in their pockets, since players earn millions. The NFL understands the temptation and what is more – they don’t want to restrict players’ freedom that brutally. That is why players and personnel can easily gamble in legal casinos around the world and make bets on races. If the NFL prohibits gambling completely, too many violations will have serious consequences. NFL doesn’t want to weaken the teams and dismiss successful members. 


So, can NFL players gamble at casinos? The regulations officially allow players to gamble legally, but considering the governing law of the USA, it is hardly possible. The main prohibition is sports betting. Not only the NFL asks players to avoid this activity, but also the NBA and NHL have strict rules against any forms of betting. The reason is connected with pragmatic way of thinking: players can start betting on sports for financial compensation, which increases their chances to win opposing to regular people. What is more, they might be tempted to take part in betting instead of being completely involved in sport. Throwing contests for the sake of fast and simple income is a real risk. Rules are rules, but gladly – they are rather flexible.    

Author’s Bio:

Jason Copley enjoys all types of games that exist: sport, video games, and gambling. He is interested in games as the phenomenon of our culture. Jason writes both culturological and informative articles related to different types of games.