Ace Your Play with bet365 Casino's Grand Slam 100k Giveaway!

Ace Your Play with bet365 Casino's Grand Slam 100k Giveaway!
Wild Casino

It's Game, Set, and Match for competitors as bet365 Casino is serving up the best offer of the season with its Grand Slam 100k Giveaway!

While the best battle it out on the court this summer, play for grand prizes of your own at the bet365 Live Casino, renowned for its exceptional array of table games, including Blackjack, Baccarat, Roulette, Craps & more.

With this exciting promotion only running for a limited time, without further adieu, let's find out how you can win the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway.

How to Join the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway at bet365 Casino

Avoid making an unforced error by following these instructions, which will explain how to get involved in the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway for your chance of winning top prizes up to £5,000.

1. Create an account at the bet365 Casino using the button below.
2. Opt-in to the promotion on the bet365 Live Casino site.
3. Stake £15 or more on a range of selected live games.
4. Earn one prize draw ticket for each £15 each stake.
5. You will be entered into one of two prize draws for the chance to win a share of £100,000!

Which Table Games are Eligible for the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway?

As one of the biggest operators in the business, bet365 Casino & bet365 Live Casino have a huge number of dedicated tables where you can play all your favorite casino classics. With so many casino games eligible for the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway, we're sure you'll find something to thrill you. Let's take a look at some of the big-time contenders.

Play Blackjack at bet365 Casino

An exhilarating casino game, there are many dedicated Blackjack tables at the bet365 Casino, where any play will be eligible towards the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway. Trying to make your cards total as close to 21 as possible, Blackjack players compete against the dealer with the closest hand winning the betting round. Bet365 Casino is a great place to play Blackjack and even better when you're competing for the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway!

Play Baccarat at bet365 Casino

Replete with all the glamor and sophistication you'd expect to find at Center Court in Wimbledon, Baccarat is a brilliant casino game with some great live-dealer tables at the bet365 Casino. A simple guessing game, a Baccarat player can either wager on their own hand or the Banker's hand with a range of different bets and strategies. Great fun in a live casino setting, play Baccarat at bet365 Casino for your chance to get involved in the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway.

Play Roulette at bet365 Casino

Immersive, adrenaline-pumping fun, Roulette is another casino game offered at the bet365 Casino, which is eligible for the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway. With tons of dedicated tables, Roulette enthusiasts will find a natural home playing at bet365, placing their bets and watching the ball turn tantalizingly on the spinning wheel.

Although we've picked out some of the best games to play at bet365 Casino, there are loads more on-site that are also eligible for the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway promotion. Why not get on-site or on the app and see for yourself? You might find your new favorite game!

What are the Terms & Conditions of the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway?

Every promotion and bonus has its own terms & conditions, and the Grand Slam 100k Giveaway is no different. Make sure you familiarize yourself with all the information you need to take advantage of this golden offer.

  • The promotional periods run on the following dates: 00:00 GMT on 3rd July 2023 until 23:59 GMT on 9th July 2023 & 00:00 GMT on 10th July 2023 until 23:59 GMT on 16th July 2023.
  • You must opt in once to be eligible to take part in the prize draws. You must stake a minimum of £15 in cash on any Live Casino game, excluding Live Buffalo Blitz,Live Everybody's Jackpot, and Live Hi-Lo, to earn one ticket to the next prize draw. Only stakes made via Casino and Live Casino contribute; all other stakes, including those made on Live Casino games launched via Sports, Games or the Poker client do not contribute. You will then earn one additional ticket for every further £15 staked on eligible Live Casino games, up to a maximum of 500 tickets per promotional period.
  • You can win a maximum of one cash prize in each prize draw. Any prizes not won in the prize draw will be reallocated among qualifying players.
  • Prize winners will be credited within 72 hours of each promotional period ending. All prizes will be credited as cash and you will have seven days to accept. To accept your cash prize, you must log in to your Live Casino account, open a game and click Accept.
  • This offer is only available to new and eligible customers. Registration required.