3 Golf Players Who Enjoy a Trip to the Casino

NGSC Sports
3 Golf Players Who Enjoy a Trip to the Casino
Super Slots

Even pro athletes need to have a hobby and golfers are absolutely no exception. The appeal of gambling and going to casinos draws in a lot of people and there are a number of different golfers who enjoy heading to the casino on their time away from the green. This list has been put together in order to go into a bit more detail about some of the top golf players who thoroughly enjoyed the occasional trip to the casino. 

There is very little surprise as to why this golfer has made the list. He was a fantastic player in the realm of golf but also managed to make a small fortune for himself within the casino, which made him a lot more famous than his actual golfing career did. 

One of the wagers that he placed was on the precise location of his putt. This was a $100,000 bet that he ended up placing on himself and it didn’t disappoint either as he managed to win the wager with a single stroke. Pretty impressive. 

This is another addition to the list who was an outstanding golfer but also managed to make headlines because of their reputation both gambling on themselves and within casinos. He was a fantastic athlete, crowned America champion on many an occasion, and even represented the US in the 1956 Olympics. He was also an avid gambler and unfortunately, it got to the point where it became unhealthy. He ended up spending over $2.2 million on different bets. This is a great example of why it is important to set a budget when gambling so that the amount of money does not end up racking up to these astronomical amounts. 

Back in the 1920s and 30s, Bobby Jones was certainly one to watch within the world of golf. He made a name for himself as he was one of the first people ever to win all four major titles in the same year. A fun fact about such a renowned golfer though is that his actual job was a lawyer and golfing was just a hobby, alongside, you guessed it, gambling. He loved heading over to casinos in order to place different bets and play different gambling games as a means to unwind from his legal job. 

Do You Want to Play More Casino Games?

If like the golfers on this list you are interested in playing some casino games, then there are a few different places that you can head to; however, if you would rather play from the comfort of your own home rather than going to an actual casino then there are many safe online casino websites for you to go on. These are incredibly popular thanks to not only their accessibility but the amount of variation that is available. There will be a number of different games out there that come in a number of forms and these are incredibly fun to get involved in.