2023: maybe a reboot in Asia casino client profile

Author: Live Casino Direct
2023: maybe a reboot in Asia casino client profile
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Commentators say that the reopening of China will be a key factor in 2023 for the Asia Pacific casino sector. Japan and Thailand are also on the radar for 20th century. The economic downturn and the Chinese government's crackdown on overseas gambling will affect the industry. The pandemic and its effects on Chinese economy will also have a profound impact on its people's lifestyle. It is unclear how many VIP and mass Chinese players will return to Asian markets beyond Macau. Several commentators draw attention to the idea that constraints on China's consumer spending will not disappear.

After the pandemic, there will be changes in travel and consumer behaviour in China and the wider Asia-Pacific region. Vietnam and China agreed to cooperate on security-enforcement issues, including against organisation of "cross-border" gambling. Cambodia and Chinese agreed in November to strengthen cooperation on online gambling and telecommunications scams. Thailand and Thailand have also pledged to combat online gaming. In 2023 in Asia, online games will face increased scrutiny. The key to the future of the Asian- Pacific gaming industry is the return of players from mainland China. There will also be regulatory changes and tightening of scrutiny in some cases.

The Macau gaming market will be more focused on mass market customers. Thailand will likely legalise casino gaming after parliamentary elections some time in the spring. Japan Casino Regulatory Commission will launch probity and suitability investigations for the IRs in Osaka and Nagasaki in 2023. The study of players and maximising their value will focus on data analytics. Mr McCartney is associate professor in integrated resort and tourism management at the University of Macao.