Zoom partners with social casino dev FlowPlay to launch in-app games

Pocket Gamer
Wild Casino

Video conferencing app Zoom has revealed a partnership with social casino games developer FlowPlayto bring video games to the platform.

The first game to be brought to the Zoom App Marketplace will be Live Game Night Poker, allowing the host of a video call to compete in games of poker with 10 other people.

In order to play the game, players must first initiate a standard Zoom meeting. From here, the option to launch the game is available at the bottom of the meeting window. The host of the meeting will have control over the game options and participants will be taken straight to the game window when joining the meeting.

Founded in 2006 and based in Seattle, FlowPlay is best known for Casino World, Vegas World, Live Poker Night and ourWorld. Casino games were the second-biggest mobile game genre in the US for the final quarter of 2020, accounting for 17.2 per cent of mobile game revenue.

"A new way to connect"

"New and innovative platforms that push the boundaries of what’s possible are few and far between," said FlowPlay chief revenue officer Craig Robinson.

"Even rarer is the opportunity to be first to market on a new platform, and FlowPlay is honoured to have been selected by Zoom as a launch partner for Zoom Apps. There’s nothing better than a little friendly competition, and Live Game Night Poker enables a new way for co-workers to connect, both during and outside of work hours."

Zoom Apps and Integrations product lead Ross Mayfield added: "Zoom Apps bring best of breed applications into the Zoom experience for enhanced productivity and engaging experiences.

"We believe connected teams are the most productive, which is why we’re so excited to see FlowPlay building on our platform to offer a new way to connect through gameplay, thanks to Live Game Night Poker."

Last month, Azerion acquired social casino developer Whow Games, showing the continued interest in the sector.