UK's biggest ever lottery winners to go public after scooping £184m jackpot

UK's biggest ever lottery winners to go public after scooping £184m jackpot
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The lucky couple who won the incredible £184,000,000 EuroMillions jackpot will go public tomorrow.

The pair from Gloucestershire are still celebrating after winning the record-breaking sum on Tuesday May 10.

They became the UK’s biggest-ever National Lottery winners - and have decided to tell the world all about their eye-watering win.

Camelot say the lucky pair will talk to the press on Thursday and open up about how they found out their numbers had come up and what they plan to do with the mega amount.

The organiser say: "They share some of their plans for the win and how it will transform the lives of their whole family."

The UK's last record-breaking lottery win took place in October 2019, when an anonymous ticket-holder won £170million.

Camelot’s Andy Carter, Senior Winners’ Advisor at The National Lottery, said, “This is absolutely incredible news! Last night saw history made with the biggest ever National Lottery prize won by a single UK ticket-holder, and we’re ecstatic that we’ve now received a claim.

"Our focus now is on supporting the ticket-holder through the process and helping them start to enjoy their truly life-changing and record-breaking win.”

It was the second EuroMillions jackpot won in the UK this year - with the £109million being scooped up in February.

In 2021, five UK ticket-holders banked an incredible EuroMillions jackpot win including one who bagged an amazing £122.5million jackpot prize in April and another who won a £111million jackpot in June.

The biggest winners to over go public were Frances and Patrick Connolly.

They scooped £114,969,775 after hitting the jackpot on New Year's Day in 2019 - and decided to tell all.

The pair, from County Armagh in Northern Ireland, won after buying a Lucky Dip ticket and celebrated their astonishing win with a hug and a cuppa.

Last week's win dwarfs the estimated worth of Black Sabbath rocker Ozzy Osbourne and wife Sharon (£150m), Adele (£130m) and boxer Anthony Joshua (£115m).