UK winner scoops jackpot to slot behind Largs couple in lotto rich list

Largs & Millport
UK winner scoops jackpot to slot behind Largs couple in lotto rich list
Super Slots

An anoymous UK resident has claimed a £109.9 million EuroMillions jackpot over the weekend. 

The claim was made from Friday's draw, where the winning numbers were 3, 25, 38, 43 and 49, with the lucky stars of 3 and 7. 

If the claim is verified, the anonymous winner would go straight into the National Lottery's rich list in 10th place. 

The record Euromillions jackpot in the UK was £170 million which was claimed by an anonymous player in October 2019. 

Former Largs couple Colin and Chris Weir are second in the list after their £161 million win back in 2011. 

The couple set up The Weir Charitable Trust following their win and made a donation to Largs Thistle for their 3G pitch at Barrfields. 

The couple seperated in 2019, with Colin sadly dying after a short illness aged 71.