Play It Forward: Casino Royale Hits the Jackpot

Woodlands Online
Super Slots

HOUSTON, TX -- Shield Bearer Counseling Centers hosted its second annual Play it Forward: Casino Royale at Sandlewood Manor on July 15th. The event featured 11 game tables, wine pull, mystery boxes, a silent auction, a DJ, and dancing. The location was beautiful, and the night was a great success raising over $75,000 for
Shield Bearer. The money will be used to continue offering mental health therapy without barriers throughout Houston and Texas.

Shield Bearer would like to thank the sponsors of the event who made the whole night possible. For the second year in a row, C&T Mortgage, Inc underwrote the event. Additional sponsors included Katherine Darby Lee – President of the Board, A Splash of Sass, Chuck Ransleben - CPA, Edward Jones – Rick Skinner, Belanger Law Firm, and the Altamuro Family.

LaRue Catering, Cake Fine Pastries, Genesis Photographers, Illumination Marketing, and Cypress Lifestyles Magazine offered their time and talents to make the evening unforgettable. A special thank you to our committee members who helped plan and organize the event. Committee members were Angela Altamuro, Thad Cardine, D’Ann Gummelt, Jodi Johnston, Charity Kilgore, Michelle Kohl, Kristina Perez, Gaby Pozas, and Terri Ransleben

Shield Bearer Counseling Centers is on a mission to help heal hearts in the greater Houston area and beyond. They strive to offer mental health care to everyone without financial barriers. With locations from Katy to Conroe and telehealth options, there are possibilities for anyone in Texas. In 2021 Shield Bearer held over 14,000 counseling sessions – 65% at a reduced fee. 1,134 sessions helping victims of human trafficking, 780 assisting first responders, and 872 helping victims of domestic violence.