Online casino legislation in Spain vs Ireland

Author: Live Casino Direct
Online casino legislation in Spain vs Ireland
Wild Casino

Online casinos are expected to dominate the global gambling market and generate revenue of over $125bn by 2027. Governments are unsure how to legislate online casinos. A balance between strict and lax regulations is necessary to create the best environment for industry growth and consumer protection. Spain and Ireland have dealt with the question of how they legislated online casino. An online gambling guide is a good place to learn the basics about casino legislation.

Spain has a strict gambling law. It is more restrictive than most European countries. The law makes it illegal for gambling to be advertised between 1am and 5am. The ban was introduced in August 2021. Spain gives a lot of power to the regions and autonomous communities to decide what their gambling laws should be. Ireland gives more power. In Spain, players have to set daily limits for themselves before being allowed to play at an online casino.

Ireland has a long history of gambling but it has never had a strong land-based casino industry. The existing legislation does not explicitly mention online casinos or any form of online gambling. Many online casino services serve Irish customers by being licensed in other countries, including Malta and the Isle of Man. Ireland's existing gambling legislation focuses on promoting responsible gambling and protecting players.