Gambling Industry: What Bodies Regulate Online Casinos

Author: Live Casino Direct
Gambling Industry: What Bodies Regulate Online Casinos
Wild Casino

The global gambling market is estimated to be worth over $565 billion by 2022. Regulators and lawmakers are keen to ensure that everything is done in a responsible and fair manner. This blog post takes a look at which bodies regulate online casinos specifically and how these regulations differ from country to country.

In most countries, the gambling industry is regulated by the government. In the United Kingdom, Gambling Commission regulates all forms of gambling, including online casinos. The gambling in the U.S. is both federal and state regulated. Some states allow gambling and others ban it entirely. Online gambling is tightly regulated in some countries and more relaxed in others.

In the UK, online casinos are regulated by the Gambling commission. In the US, they are controlled by state governments. Online casinos in Australia are overseen by ACMA. Private organizations like eCOGRA and the Interactive Gaming Council also regulate online casino. i.e. they work to ensure that online gambling is conducted in a fair and safe manner.

There are many different bodies that regulate online casinos. Government agencies are responsible for ensuring that businesses operate in a fair and safe manner. Private organizations play a role in regulating the industry. It's always important to check the laws in your own country before you gamble online.