Casino Games for Golf Players

National Club Golfer
Casino Games for Golf Players
Super Slots

If you’re like most golfers, then you most probably love gambling. It may sound weird but gambling and golf are a combination made in heaven, like peanut butter and jelly. It’s also one of the few activities that can be enjoyed alone when you need to withdraw from the outside world, switch your focus, and recharge your energies. Luckily, there are plenty of options to choose from. And you can always play at the top online Australian casinos to enjoy top-level games, juicy bonuses, and real chances to won big in one go.

When we think of golf gambling games, one thing comes to mind: variety. If you have time, we can go over all of the available market options. But that will take a long time! So we did our homework and came up with a short list of gambling games that will definitely appeal to golfers. Without further ado, let us have a look at some of the top gambling games that you should give a try to.

#1 – The Dot Game

It’s not so much a game as it is a method of keeping track of various bets added to a traditional golfing match. Although it may not sound like much fun, dividing the bets into ‘dots’ with unique names will certainly add to the game’s interest. ‘Fishy,’ ‘Barky,’ ‘Sandy,’ and ‘Chippy’ are some hilarious dot names to use in your strategy.

#2 – Quota

This is another approach to keep your bets fresh. Before proceeding to the first box, you must first decide how much money you want to win. You may mix up the points for each score based on the established groupings, adding variety to the game.

#3 – Hammer

With an intriguing 1:1 or 2:2 style, this game allows you to establish a pot for each hole. It was given its moniker because you can ‘hammer’ the opposing player or team by presenting them with a series of options. If they accept the challenge, the round, like a hammer, can travel back and forth.

#4 – Let It Ride

This one is only for serious gamblers. Why? Because after gaining points on a hole, you can either bank the money or ‘leave it ride.’ This implies that the total number of points you receive may double for each hole you do not bank. If the Let It Ride game is your favorite one, then we recommend that you go to the BestAuCasinosOnline and check other interesting gambling options

#5 – Bounce Back

This is the game for you if you are a never-say-die bettor and know everything about golf betting! In essence, you are rewarded for rebounding from a missed hole. Well, so this is how it works: you gain a point every time you stick to a double bogey or better on the next hole. You lose a point if you make two consecutive double bogeys.

#6 – Snake

When it comes to playing the Snake game, a particular amount of money must be put aside for each player to contribute. When a player three-putts, the sum is added to the pot. You may also add a progression mechanism to raise the value of each round to make it even more intriguing.

#7 – Sixes

It consists of three separate matches contested over the course of 18 rounds. But what does the name suggest? It refers to a regulation that partners are rotated every six holes. This increases the excitement of the game since all participants get to play with one another.

#8 – Bingo, Bango, Bongo

The aim of this point-based game is to score the most points throughout a round. Each hole has three points available to it. Yes, you guessed it! They are termed Bingo (for the first player to achieve green), Bango (for the person closest to the pin), and Bongo (for the last player) (the first one to hole out).

#9 – Vegas

As entertaining as it may sound, this game is also quite dangerous. So, if you are not an experienced player who is comfortable taking risks, we recommend that you do not play this game with real money from the start. It is better to dive deep into the scoring system and learn it by heart. You’ll enjoy it after you get the hang of it!

#10 – Skins

The game works like this: each hole is worth a particular amount of ‘skins.’ The number may be the same for each hole or may increase during the round. Finally, whoever has the most “skins” wins the pot. Despite its simplicity, Skins is one of the most popular golf gambling games.

#11 – Nassau

So here is the players’ favourite – Nassau. It may not appear to be particularly entertaining at first, but you’ll quickly discover why everyone likes it. To begin, an 18-hole competition is broken into three rounds. Following that, a wager is placed on the front nine, the back nine, and the entire match. The rules of the game may alter somewhat as the game goes. You should definitely give it a try to see how it works.