Can We Expect Social Responsibility From Gambling Companies?

Author: Live Casino Direct
Can We Expect Social Responsibility From Gambling Companies?
Super Slots

Gambling is a vice that should be controlled by all means possible. Modern gambling establishments are more regulated and they are implementing socially responsible practices. Anna Rosak is an editor of one of the most popular casino review sites in Poland.

The UK Lottery made £8,373.9 million in ticket sales between 2020 and 2021. 95% of the money went back to the community. The Lotteries helped 630,000 projects throughout the UK. Anna Rosak says the Lotters do more for small communities than many public officials. She thinks it's a shame for politicians and not for the gaming industry.

Tribal casinos in the US have been operating since 1988. The Indian Gaming Regulatory Act has a positive effect on the economy. Employment rate rose by 23% and mortality rate was 11% lower. All the revenue is distributed among locals. The study mentions the employment rate increased by 25% after the Act was introduced.

Anna believes that social responsibility is more important than ever. Anna thinks that a new generation of gamers wants to know they are doing business with an ethical company. For many players the ethical aspect is just as important as factors like bonuses or best deposit rates. Social responsibility has become an obligatory feature of the casino industry.