Las Vegas Advisor
Wild Casino

This post is syndicated by the Las Vegas Advisor for the 888 casino group. Anthony Curtis comments on the 888 article introduced and linked to on this page.

AC Says:

Double Exposure is a blackjack variation that can still be found today. The game originated in Germany, where it was called Zweikartenspiel, with the key component being that both dealer cards are dealt face up. The problem with a game like this is that the strategy is drastically different from traditional blackjack, but it’s usually not readily available, requiring that players must do their best with intuitive adjustments. That usually doesn’t work out well. With this article you have an applicable basic strategy (it changes slightly with rules variations) at your fingertips. As noted by the author, it’s more complicated than basic strategy for the traditional game, so it might take longer to commit completely to memory. Don’t be thrown off by the mistake in the article’s photos, which depict a traditional game with only one dealer card showing; in a Double Exposure game, both dealer cards are dealt face up.

This article was written by John Grochowski in association with 888Casino.

When you hit hard 16 against a dealer’s 10 in blackjack, you’re playing probabilities. You don’t know if the dealer has a pat hand or has to hit and chance busting. You don’t know what you’ll draw. You just know the percentages favor hitting.

In a blackjack variant called Double Exposure, the guesswork is …